On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 4:24 AM, CRAIG JENSEN <jensencraig1@msn.com> wrote:
Hello broShort week since we heard from you last..We had a pretty good 24th of July week. Monday for FHE we made card board cars for the movies in the park we will be watching next week. (Drive in movie - get it?)Tuesday mom watched Jensen and then we tinkered around the yard and stuff, Wednesday mom went to lunch for a lunch with Michelle Wilcox and Marcy walker, her visiting teachers, that night had dinner at Joe Vera's for grandpa Rodens birthday, then we went up to katie and Daves and did fireworks with the them and Mitchell's. Thursday we went to Avengers the movie, Friday I didn't work at Sunroc (24th holiday) so worked around the house and on the boat.. Then we went to pitch perfect 2 (movie), and sushi, good times!! I was thinking about going fishing Saturday but that didn't happen.. too crowded and I didn't want to push.. Mom and I hung out, we jogged the canyon and went hiking to the drone, then some shopping and then to eat at Milagros and some movie time at home.. Fun week!I conduct in church this week, our subject is Book of Mormon - another testament of Christ. I've thought about it quite a bit this week, makes sense doesn't itHope you have a great week!Love yaDadHello bro,So glad that you had the opportunity to go to the temple, it always puts things into perspective. Hope you had a positive week not too much stress or anxiety. Enjoy your mission and the experiences so when you think back on them they are good and positive. Grateful for your example and the blessings that we are all sharing because of your selflessness. Loved all three of your experiences you shared last week and even though sometimes they are sad they teach us how to value life, faith and family and not sweat the small stuff. I hope all of the people you mentioned follow through and receive the blessings of the gospel. Miracles they are, and great ones at that. Loved your comment on repentance and baptism and how it comes full circle and it's what we need to do.I'm Going to Connor Crandall's farewell tomorrow and Lauren Ridges/Micah fisher welcome home then up to Rodens for gpa bday dinner with fam.We got a new bishopric Sunday, Jim Everett Bishop counselors, Chris Kitchen and Kurt Nickel they are a newer couple in the ward. They will be a great bishopric but sad to lose our old bishopric! Not sure what brad will do to keep himself busyAll is well here and I'm sure Katie told you and her letter they are having a girl, I dropped a hint last week with the pink hearts, so a boy for Mitchell's a girl for Morreys. Two new ones for you to meet next July, can't wait.Love you bro, you're the best! please take care of yourself-physically mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. we think of you every day.Quote of the week - "once you learn how to be happy, you won't tolerate being around people who make you feel anything less."Love you very much, hugs and kisseslove mom
From: | Caden Jensen (cadenj@myldsmail.net) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Mon 7/27/15 12:42 AM |
To: | CRAIG JENSEN (jensencraig1@msn.com) |
we did a drive in movie for homecoming week it was super fun! man sounds like it was a great week! ! how was avengers? sounds like a great week! what is milagros?! we ate at fridays today! the bishop fed us haha! the Book of Mormon is the best you know it! so nice! love you pops!
mama! the temple is the best, learned some things this time, it is cool to think about everything in the temple in a Spirit world perspective! and oh man, these things are unforgettable! of course it will be positive! they are super cool stories it is just cool to see how the Lord works, He knows who needs the Gospel, I hope they follow through too! tell OG I love him and good luck! tell gpa happy b day! and oh man! switch up in the ward! that is awesome! I loved our bishopric, but now they can just chill haha! super cute I amn so pumped for the two cuties, hopefully I get to see pics! I am totally taken care of haha! life is great! it is so true, I thought about that this week, sometimes people spend too much time worrying about being happy that they forget to be happy haha! love you all have a great week here was my week! Missionary life is great! I absolutely love it! this week has been incredible even though it has only been four days since the last email! today I specifically want to share about one day this week! saturday we had lessons all morning, all the lessons had the Spirit very strong and the Lord was helping His children progress a lot, we saw progression in people we had never expected progression from, then we had an incredible experience, we shared about the Atonement with one of our investigators, and she was very unfocused, and Elder Griffin was a little bothered, our investigator was then just talking about herself, and at that point Elder Griffin was constrained by the Spirit, he told her of our real purpose, and how we all need to improve to follow Jesus Christ, he said very bold things, but you could feel the love in the room, by the end of the lesson, Elder Griffin and our investigator were crying, and she finally showed signs of a contrite spirit, it was such a miracle! that night we got to go finding, we went and got a quick dinner, and then sat down, and this man came up to us, he wanted his kid to speak to us in English, so his kid started to just play around with us, and then we started talking to his dad, well we came to find out his marriage life is really rough, and his wife has serious depression and he has to frequently take his son out of the house because his wife gets suicidal, we had the opportunity to share with him about the Atonement, and set up a time to meet with him again. Later that night, we found another woman, walking with her daughter, we asked how they were and asked if we could pray with them real quick, they said yes, then yes, we asked if they had anything we could pray for them for, the mom said, just health and that is all, the daughter agreed, but we felt prompted to ask again, and the mom broke down, she had been having some problems in her family and she was able to cry for a second and feel the Spirit, she then thanked us and we exchanged information, the Lord knows His children! such a huge testimony! this week I learned a lot of lessons on patience, as we exercise patience with people that is when they will be happier and more willing to progress, we have been so blessed this week and just wow, being a missionary is such a blessing in itself! jiayou!
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