On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 1:57 PM, CRAIG JENSEN <jensencraig1@msn.com> wrote:
President Eyring: give your children a choice and an example
Elder Packer: simple things like a cookie and a kiss make a marriage happy
Sister Burton: Dont compete just complete
Elder Oaks: This gospel is supposed to seem impractical to the low standards of the world
Elder Clayton: look for the light and keep walking even when it disappears!
Elder Perry: Every religion believes family is important
Elder Bednar: Godly fear is a feeling of peace
Elder Christofferson: no one is predestined to be receive less than God can give them!
Elder Andersen: listen to the music, and you you cant criticize darkness
Elder Renlund: a saint is a sinner who keeps on trying
Elder Ringwood: forget about me and mine, and think about thee and thine!
Elder Cook: Be a sunflower and follow the son!
Elder Ballard: you are never to busy to study the gospel!
Elder Soares: Temptations are attempts to cover up the pain of sins!
Elder Gibson: do your sons see you doing what the Father would have you do?
President Uchtdorf: He who breathes life into the universe into you! and dont let a facade halt your progression
President Eyring: As we are prepared we can feel successful no matter the outcome, and not where or how long but how we serve!
President Monson: God Entrusted us with this great gift of the Priesthood! (He also shared a healing story about the priesthood and it reminded me of a time Grandpa jensen was sick, me and dad gave him a blessing a week after I had received the Melchizedek priesthood and he was fine the next day, it was truly a miracle to see!)
President Monson: our mission experiences may be what others need to hear!
Sister Wixom: Faith can reach beyond doubts!
Elder Teixiera: life is not confined to a four inch screen!
Elder Causse: is the gospel still wonderful to you?
Elder Nielson: Dont embrace the sin, but embrace the person, there are parts of all of us that are prodigal sons!
Elder Holland: Is our purpose to fall eternally? No!!!
Elder Uchtdorf: do we love much because we have been forgiven much? He wants us to live with Him and become like Him!
Elder Hales: Dont expect what you dont give!
Elder Pearson: Hanging in there is not a gospel principle, but it includes principles!
Elder Pino: Sin has symptoms!
Elder Andersen: Temples are made by inspiration, not convenience!
Elder Zeballos: you have to know where you are going before you can get there!
Elder Sitati: He suffered so He can succor!
Elder Nelson: Is the sabbath a delight for you?
I really loved listening to conference this week! super sad to lose Elder Glaittli, but training will be a blast! that was my week, hope that was not to long haha love you all! jiayou!
Hello Elder J
Hope you had a great week, perhaps you got to see or listen to a little conference.. My favorite part was probably Ballard's address in the priesthood session where he worked the male YSA's about taking the next step.. Rough but important stuff, it's hard for many of these young singles to move forward when the world seems to be ok moving the other direction. Marriage just isn't as popular as it used to be..
So our week was pretty chill, Monday was the YSA family nite were we celebrated the churches 185th birthday. Tuesday mom and I tinkered in the yard and stuff, I got stuff ready for the weekend Moab trip.. Wednesday the weather was crazy cold so we hung out and caught up on the DVR of recent tv shows we missed...Thursday we had the twins spend the night with us because as mom will tell you Karlie and Jake spent the night at the hospital.. I had forgotten what it was like to have babies overnight, mom did an awesome job! I really wasn't much help. Friday we went to Moab- (Grandpa J, Katie, Dave, Jensen, and Dave's folks) we did gemini bridges and metal masher. Everything went pretty well. Our Tomcar is burning oil real bad, but we are managing it with some oil additive so I don't need to rebuild the engine just yet.. Friday night we ate at pasta jays and then dad and I slept in the parking lot of 7 mile, the others stayed at quality inn. Dad and I froze our butts off, we had not planned on it being 30 degrees.. Saturday doty's came down and we did 7 mile, katie and jensen didn't go because they had a ruff night.. We sent grandpa, pat and Dave's mom off uranium arch.. Grandpa did awesome as always, pat nailed it, (other than twisting her ankle a little bit).. But Dave's mom scared the she she out of us.. She was the first rookie to go.. Took her quite awhile to get it going and then when she was half way down, she freaked and opened the gri gri wide open and didn't let go till she hit the ground.. Rope Burned her right hand really bad and bruised her butt, back, and head.. Scared us all pretty good... I was shocked that dad and pat were still wiling to go after all the drama.. Dave doty passed this go round.. Maybe next time... I'll send some pics.. After 7 mile we met up with katie and jensen and did tusher tunnel, then headed home so mom and I could hang.. We went to the mall and ate at wingers..
Sounds like you might have another round of transfers this week.. Can't wait to hear how things go.. We pray for you always! Thanks for being such a rock! (FYI the rocks are pretty cool at Moab, especially those little round ones on the other side of tusher tunnel, and the ones by the Monitor and Merrimack rock formations...)
Love Ya bro
Well hello Caden,
Are ya ready for the missionaries to come. Your week was a good one I hope. Thanks for the wonderful letters every week, they make my week wonderful. Dad gave you a run down of our last week so I will just kind of fill in. As far as the Karlie thing goes she had a ureter blockage so they were going to make an incision in her back and put a tube to her kidney so it would drain. Thank goodness prayers were answered and the blockage went away and they didn't have to do the procedure. They had her spend the night to keep an eye on her and the baby, in the process they found out they are having a boy. Hope Kar emailed ya and told you that before I did, sorry if I beat her to it. I stayed home to help with the girls while the others went to Moab. It was fun having the babies over night and to wake up to their happy faces. Been a pretty low key week. Just glad everyone is home safe and the adventures went well. Did you remember it was Syds bday today? I'm sure you did. Loved, loved, loved the pictures. Nice and green - due to the rain - the buildings are amazingly tall. What was the picture that the two of you drew?
We sure love ya and I can't wait to talk to you in about a month. My favorite talk I think was remembering to keep the Sabbath day holy by Russell Nelson. Sometimes it's easy to forget how important that is. It was nice to be reminded that it's not like all the other days of the week, it's a special day and should be treated as one. I always like all the talks. Let us know your favorite after you watch it. Please take care of yourself and let us know if you need anything or we can pray for anyone specifically. We always pray for you and your comp, hope you feel of our prayers and how much we love you. Be safe and have an outstanding week."be somebody who makes everyone feel like somebody." That's what you already do I think that's why I like that quote. Love you much mom
hi pops, I like that part too, and trust me I will be getting married, I think it sounds like a great institution! man that sounds like a super qingsong (relaxed) week! I love moab, sorry it is burning oil! and that is a bummer for Kar and Jake! but glad to hear all is well! and we can put a new engine in a a little over a year you down? Daves mom just going nuts thats no fun! hope she is Ok! but sounds like a fun fun week! and wingers man that sounds good haha! so fun story we have two tranfers in two weeks! last week Elder Glaittli moved to Taoyuan:( but then I am waiting for my new companion and up on the screen shows a black square that says training next week! but for now, following the assistants! so right now I am following the office elders around, and then I train on thursday! it is nuts but so fun! I love it! so pumped! there is a kid coming from springville this week too! haha anyway! that was fun news! but glad all is well, glad you could catch up on your show, and that the rocks are still cool! love you guys! thank you for all you do, you are truly the rocks and are the best examples, thank you for giving me my choices, but helping guide me:) you are the bomb! love you!
momma! this week was sick! that is nuts, glad she is ok! praying for her! thank you for reminding me that it is today! I was freaking out cause i thought it was last week! and that card was from the sisters that share our ward with us, cause we always find them investigators! haha so they made us a business card haha! I feel your prayers for sure! and that is a great quote love you all! This week has been crazy but also very fun! This week for my email I want to share my favorite ideas from each talk in conference, this was easily the most spiritually uplifting part of my week! and it has been nice to reflect on all the things that were said! President Eyring: give your children a choice and an example
Elder Packer: simple things like a cookie and a kiss make a marriage happy
Sister Burton: Dont compete just complete
Elder Oaks: This gospel is supposed to seem impractical to the low standards of the world
Elder Clayton: look for the light and keep walking even when it disappears!
Elder Perry: Every religion believes family is important
Elder Bednar: Godly fear is a feeling of peace
Elder Christofferson: no one is predestined to be receive less than God can give them!
Elder Andersen: listen to the music, and you you cant criticize darkness
Elder Renlund: a saint is a sinner who keeps on trying
Elder Ringwood: forget about me and mine, and think about thee and thine!
Elder Cook: Be a sunflower and follow the son!
Elder Ballard: you are never to busy to study the gospel!
Elder Soares: Temptations are attempts to cover up the pain of sins!
Elder Gibson: do your sons see you doing what the Father would have you do?
President Uchtdorf: He who breathes life into the universe into you! and dont let a facade halt your progression
President Eyring: As we are prepared we can feel successful no matter the outcome, and not where or how long but how we serve!
President Monson: God Entrusted us with this great gift of the Priesthood! (He also shared a healing story about the priesthood and it reminded me of a time Grandpa jensen was sick, me and dad gave him a blessing a week after I had received the Melchizedek priesthood and he was fine the next day, it was truly a miracle to see!)
President Monson: our mission experiences may be what others need to hear!
Sister Wixom: Faith can reach beyond doubts!
Elder Teixiera: life is not confined to a four inch screen!
Elder Causse: is the gospel still wonderful to you?
Elder Nielson: Dont embrace the sin, but embrace the person, there are parts of all of us that are prodigal sons!
Elder Holland: Is our purpose to fall eternally? No!!!
Elder Uchtdorf: do we love much because we have been forgiven much? He wants us to live with Him and become like Him!
Elder Hales: Dont expect what you dont give!
Elder Pearson: Hanging in there is not a gospel principle, but it includes principles!
Elder Pino: Sin has symptoms!
Elder Andersen: Temples are made by inspiration, not convenience!
Elder Zeballos: you have to know where you are going before you can get there!
Elder Sitati: He suffered so He can succor!
Elder Nelson: Is the sabbath a delight for you?
I really loved listening to conference this week! super sad to lose Elder Glaittli, but training will be a blast! that was my week, hope that was not to long haha love you all! jiayou!
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