On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 3:36 AM, CRAIG JENSEN <jensencraig1@msn.com> wrote:
Hey Caden
Exciting week for you, right? New companion and all.. Can't wait to hear how it is going.. We had a pretty busy week. Monday for family night we had a lesson on indexing, our YSA ward is awesome at family history stuff. The Chic Fila dinner after was good as always, Tuesday the wind blew like crazy, we were going to work In the yard and stuff but ended up just tinkering around the house and with the Tomcar.. Wednesday we went over to the RC Wiley grand opening, they closed the Provo and Orem store and opened a big store in the university mall where Nordstrom used to be. It's a way nice store.. they were giving away food and random stuff like water bottles etc.. After walking around we went to shoots for dinner. (Chinese-Mongolian beef was awesome!) Thursday and Friday I took a few customers and a couple employees to Moab, luckily the Tomcar ran well. We did Gemini and metal masher Thursday.., 7 mile and hells revenge Friday. It rained both days, we did uranium arch in pouring rain. I had to do the set up myself (I missed not having you or Dave around..) the gear didn't work real great, I was way nervous with one of the ropes that kept hanging up in the gri gri. I'm tired and sore because I was so tense the whole time we were repelling. We came home Friday night, Saturday mom and I did a ton of work in the yard, set up a new trampoline, took the Xmas lights down, got Springville city dirt for flower beds, mowed, weeded, etc... It was a real good day, we ended it by taking a run to DI to drop off stuff, then Dinner at Los Hermonos, and home to watch the Real soccer game. I conduct in church this Sunday, I'm a little nervous because we had one of our members pass away Thursday, he was one of our ward missionaries, 29 years old, great guy! Very instrumental in getting LA's back to church. Not sure how our ward members will react. Last week when I asked members to talk, I suggested the topic for sacrament meeting would be plan of salvation-purpose of life.. We obviously did not know when the assignment was made that we would have someone so close to us pass away.. Tender mercies and little miracles make for strong proof that there is a greater plan and life has a purpose. Sure love that you have the chance to share such a great message. Love you Caden :)
Hello bud,
So excited to hear how the training is going and to hear about the new comp. Hope your week has been a great one. Dad has told you of our week, it was a good one. We are very sad of the passing of our young adult, he was a great and inspiring man. He will truly be missed. Hope things are coming together for you and your comp. tell us where he is from and all that stuff. How are you feeling with the training, I think you will do great because you are such a loving and genuine person to all. How has the weather been,the health and the your clothes? If you need anything there is always money in there, we check it often to make sure you have it there. Loved the pictures you sent a few weeks ago, great to see you and the people you are working with. Let us know if we can help with anything, don't hesitate to ask. Glad you are enjoying the area and the people, people always ask how long you have been out and it's crazy when I say going on ten months, great stuff man. Love you so very much, miss you but love and admire what you are doing and your strength. Keep smilin and enjoy and appreciate this opportunity and honor to serve The Lord, you're the best!!hugs and kisses. "happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time. It's about loving what you have and being grateful for it."
"what lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies with in us."Ralph Waldo Emerson sorry you get two this week. You have really made me enjoy and love quotes. Fun to read and apply them to life. Take care son love ya, mom️
Craig n Sue Jensen
Sent from iPad
From: | Caden Jensen (cadenj@myldsmail.net) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Sun 4/19/15 9:48 PM |
To: | CRAIG JENSEN (jensencraig1@msn.com) |
crazy exciting week this week! my new companion is a champ! I feel like I am not even training! family history is the bomb! I have been doing the "My Family Book" and it has been awesome to remember stuff and cherish the things I love about you guys and the rest of the fam, also if I could get stories about the great grandparents that would be cool cause I dont have many! just great, not like great great or anything! you had crazy wind and we had a legit earthquake this morning! like 30-40 secs and pretty big haha so fun! wow new RC willey that is weird! sounds like a good restaurant! we will have to test their chinese when I come back haha! man, setting it up in the rain that is sketchy but glad to hear that all went well! I love moab! sorry you are sore though! new tramp?! is it still in the ground did the other one break?! pumped to jump on that one! you got a lot done! way to be! that is nuts! I hope all goes well for you that is really hard! but that is a miracle that we can see little things like just assigned topics come out to make big differences! that is nuts that things happen so fast, but all will be well! I also wanted to thank you for always encouraging me to be strong in the church and also for always helping me have a good time! love ya papa!
mama! he is from boston (but went to timpview too!) and we are super similar in our likes! and he is super good at singing and chinese! the training is so fun! serving will be the best thing ever! I have really grown to love that! the weather has been a little rainy and all is well with my clothes! and life is fun ya know it! and I am good! just keep being the best! it is kinda nuts how fast it goes isn't it, a little scary too! funny that people still ask haha! smiling, that is one thing that keeps me happy, getting little smiles out of people just makes my day! I also love seeing people succeed, that is awesome! quotes are the best right?! love em! This week, although crazy, has been awesome! The beginning of this week was fun to be able to help all of the new missionaries get situated into Taiwan life, and making area books was pretty fun too! Then toward the end of the week, it has been awesome to see the fire that my new companion Elder Boyce has! He is a prodigee! His chinese is super good, and he knows the scriptures like the back of his hand! I am grateful for this opportunity to be his companion and for the opportunity to serve here in Xinan! I am also thankful for the opportunity to live with the office Elders for a week, it helped me gain a lot of respect and for the office, and they also helped me have some fun and enjoy the journey, while still being hard working missionaries! cool miracle I want to share this week! it happened when we were out on Wednesday night with the new missionaries! me and elder Iverson were out finding and we had no clue where to go, we prayed and felt like we should go a specific direction, we looked up and saw a star, and decided to follow that! and from that point on the night changed, we ended up finding prepared people and they just led us back the way we came through the MRT and almost all the way to the temple, at that point we had forgotten the star, but just as we were walking back to the office, we looked up and the star was just above the mission office and the temple, and we had followed it the whole way home, it was a super spiritual experience! Last thing this week! in studies today I was reading Moroni 10:3-5 and in verse three it talks about pondering the mercy of God in letting us have the Book of Mormon! the spirit hit strong as I actually stopped and pondered the amount of blood, sweat, tears, time, and divine intervention that it actually took to bring about the Book of Mormon and the church, it was a real testimony builder! this has been a great week guys! love you all very much and excited to see you soon! love ya!
me:) keep up the good work and study alma 5 this week and tell me what ya think love ya!
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