email string 4-5-15

On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 1:10 AM, CRAIG JENSEN <> wrote:
Hey bro
Easter and conference weekend has been great! Hope you get to listen/watch conference soon. Our week was pretty cool, Monday we had YSA family night were we had a photo scavenger hunt at the mall ~ taking pictures of random stuff.. Then dinner at chic fila, Tuesday we had the Tragger commercial people over to do a little more filming for the upcoming infomercial I might be in.. Wednesday we did some Easter shopping at the mall and had dinner at Los hermanos, Thursday we moved sleds and tomcars, we are planning a trip to Moab next Friday the 10th. then Friday we went to dinner at la dolce vita and then watched the new divergence movie insurgence at the mall, it was pretty good. Saturday was the traditional Easter Saturday with Rodens at Golden Corral and Egg hunting (this year at Mapleton Park) Saturday afternoon mom and I worked in the yard and tinkered on the Tomcars. Dave Morrey and I went to priesthood session, grandma and grandpa J are in Washington with reeds and dotys, jake had to work so it was just the two of us... Miss you, but time flies when we are engaged.. Only two more general conferences and you'll be home :) we are excited for Moab this week, it's fun to rediscover things, sorta like scripture study, mom and I are enjoying rediscovering the Book of Mormon again this spring, we read daily (still with accents) we are in Alma, read chapter 7 last night, great teachings on how we need faith hope and charity, goes along well with remembering why we are here on earth.  Keep up the great work, you are an awesome example to us all!
Sure love ya!!!

Happy Easter Caden, hope yours has been wonderful. Did you get to listen to conference in English or at all yet? We love to listen and learn from the wonderful words spoken in conference. Hope you are doing well.  
Lots of new calls came Friday, some of them were; Cordon, Vancouver Canada, Lydia Wood little rock Arkansas, and Ian Taylor Hong Kong China speaking Cantonese. Fun times, this was you and your friends at this time last year. Crazy how time is flying by. So do you have new missionaries coming in this week and do you expect many changes?  
Crazy how you spoke of fasting in others ways in your letter.. Sunday someone in our ward who can't fast from food asked dad how they could still participate in fasting and feel the spirit, and dad had a great conversation with them on other ways that still meant a lot, brought us both to tears to read your letter and see how things happen and how The Lord has his love and hands in all our lives. Amazing stuff I tell ya.
Worked hard in the yard yesterday after the Easter breakfast and festivities. Then while the boys went to priesthood the girls and grandkids went to dinner and grocery shopping. How about that Morrey's and Mitchell's, two new babies you will get to meet next year, crazy fun right! We are excited and blessed. Lots of people ask of you and how you are doing, they think of you and pray for you, as we all do for you and all the missionaries. Do you need anything?  
Glad to hear that you heard from elder Willes and that hearing from him gave you even more motivation. I love your stories and experiences, they motivate and excite me to do better, so thank you! Love you son, be safe and happy. You are doing amazing things and so blessed to have this opportunity. We miss ya but love and appreciate the work you are doing. It's the most important work out there. So is family which we are so blessed to be apart of the one we have. Hugs and kisses love you!
"always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God." You are the best bud!Face throwing a kiss


From: Caden Jensen ( This sender is in your contact list.
Sent:Sun 4/05/15 9:42 PM
Pops, we get to listen next weekend:) and now you are acting, man what happened when I was gone hahahahahahaha! so pumped to hear how moab goes, we have got to go a ton when I get back man! and we can take motorbikes too!!! good old easter, but man why did they change the park?! that is nice that you got to tinker and that you and dave got to go, did you still go to grandpas church or where did you go?! time is hauling right!? nine months this week! good to hear that the accents are still hanging in there! and yeah the Book of Mormon is the BOM! (get it:)) I kinda regret like casually studying it when I was home! alma 7 is the best, love that place! and charity is the pure love of Christ right? it is also a pure love for Christ! figured that one out this week! what was your favorite part of conference love you big guy! talk to you next week thank you for everything! you are all the best, the more I am out here the more I realize how much you guys have taught me so thank you very much! PS how is hailey doing?! and also, I am in the same zone as will grahams sister haha! love you pops!

Mama! so cool, that is the best place for cordon!!! we have new missionaries but we dont know if we are moving until wednesday!!! but I dont think either of us are training because they make those a little earlier! I bet we stay though! That is soooooo awesome! the Lord works through mysterious ways, that is incredible, thank you for being worthy of the Spirit that is one of the best things I can ask for, love you guys so much! so pumped for those kids and pray for them everynight!!! good to know people still care haha! but I am doing great dont need anything, just love haha! It is awesome to hear banqiao keep growing! I saw two LAs that the Lord helped us reactivate last night at a fireside, it made me so happy! it is da best! thank you for your experiences too! great quote! what was your favorite conference part?! love you all, this is my week!  I love missionary work! it is hard, but it is so rewarding to see the fruits of your labors! This week we still had lots of finding, and kept getting rejected, but we found one guy, who is so prepared! we called to follow up with him this week and to have him look up the website, and while we were on the phone with him he said "oh is it this website that says 'what can Christ do for me'" he looked up the website, on the spot! It about put mine and Elder Glaittli's mouths to the floor we were so happy! we also got to meet two Less Actives this week, and found out that they have kids that are not yet members, we hope to be working with their moms to get them active then we can help the kids become members of the fold! Easter brought us a lot of success with RC's we held an activity this week as the Jinhua, Xinan, and Wanda wards, and we had a turn out of about 25 RCLAs! we were able to help them see Because of Him, and have them write blessings they have received Because He Lives! Everyone seemed to love it, and the Spirit and Joy just filled the whole activity, it was incredible! This week me and Elder Glaittli have been studying the Priesthood as well, and we have just been amazed at how precise and powerful the organization of the church really is! We were able to feel of that spirit as we had a couple minutes before a lesson to ponder in the Chapel, it was so spritual, and this week, although full of finding, was also full of the spirit!  love you all keep up the good work and see you soon, and thanks for the pics:) 


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