On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 11:09 AM, CRAIG JENSEN <jensencraig1@msn.com> wrote:
Hi Caden
Good week here at home.. You asked how the SHS boys are doing in soccer... not that great, they are second to last next to Spanish Fork, hope they will get better in the weeks to come. You asked about the Provo Temple, it is coming along great, the Payson Temple is almost finished
So to answer your question about developing desire.. Makes one think.. A couple things come to mind for me.. Obviously that which makes us happy is something we desire, the saying - "The joy you get from the result is temporary; the joy you get from the experience lasts forever." I think that's why we have desires to share with others, not just results, but the journey, whether it is the gospel, fishing, climbing, or other things.. it's fun to share
So here is the countdown of the past week, not sure if you enjoy us sharing what we do each day.. But it's been a way for us to recap (and share with others thru your blog...) our lives each week.
Monday was family night here at the house.. We had a group of around 15.. We had a lesson on "light" then sang karaoke, played pictionary and charades and had fresh strawberries with angle food cake.. Tuesday we helped Morrey's cut down trees in their back yard and then went to chic fila.. (Cause we missed Monday...) Wednesday we did a costco run and visited the Mitchell's at their new apartment.. Thursday was YSA ward temple night, Friday we went to the Provo conference center, Wilford Clyde and Hal Wing were honored as "Utah Pillars of the community," it was a black tie event.. Governor Hubert talked and stuff, it was pretty cool, Wilford is a great guy and very deserving of the award. Saturday we tinkered around in the yard, ran (walked fast) springville canyon (lots of people playing paintball, kinda miss that..) then went to the new Cinderella movie and out to Los Hormones for dinner. Good date night.
Hope things are going well for you, send us some pics when you get a chance, we sent you a few per your request.. Let us know if you need anything
Love ya
Hello bud,
Hope things are going well and your week was all you wanted it to be. Dad filled you in on ours, it was a busy week but busy is good, right? I know we sent a lot of pics but I couldn't narrow it down so you can. Like dad said the new Provo temple is coming along and that is a good choice for a wedding temple. I'm glad you cleaned your apartment, thanks. So are there a lot of Mosquitos there? Cool that things haven't changed again with comps, so not til April. When does the seventy come, that's exciting! We had fun looking through the pics to send you, brings back great memories. I agree it will be cool to use these pics as finding tools. I'm glad to here that you planning your week was such a success, makes it easier when you have a productive plan. That's cool about the sisters that they are like you sisters, you have pretty great sisters, they sure love and appreciate you and your example. They hope their kids are as outstanding as you, no pressure.
I'm thankful for your district getting along so well, makes things a little easier. I think we develop desire from trial and error as well as through learning who we are and what we stand for. Sure love you son. Hope your upcoming week is wonderful and you are doing well.
️ Please let us know if you need anything in any way. Keep it up bud! "A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms." Hugs and kisses
love mom
Craig n Sue Jensen
Sent from iPad
On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 11:09 AM, CADEN JENSEN wrote:
sad day for the soccer team:( but they will improve and thank you for all the pics! and the temple updates! and I agree, sharing the journey and talking with others can build desire! super cool also I think, thinking why you do something is also helpful! and I love the weekly recaps, sorry if I dont show emotion, I really love email time, it gives me that reconnection I love it! that sounds like a great week, pumped to hear chestnuts roasting in two christmass haha! hows the house? sounds like a fun time! that banquet sounds super fancy but cool, I love wilf! you ran the whole canyon? thats a beast! was the movie good/ glad to know you guys are still having fun together love you two! we can paintball in a little hao bu hao (you down) and we are going hiking today so I will send pics next week:) love ya man, oh here is this week another great week of missionary work! we got to see a lot of cool things that some may see as coincidences, but if you look hard enough they are the Lord's hand in His work! Last monday I got to talk to Elder Willes, he told me of many successes of the Recent Converts in Xinban, and that was a big push for this week! It feels good to see the gospel continuing to bless these peoples lives! the main story I want to share with you this week is about a lady who was a little LA, but before had was preparing for a mission and went to the temple every week. she ended up getting sick and that is what put her out of the running for her mission and started her on her LA road! she has been returning, but this past week she called us, and asked what she could do to develop a desire to read the scriptures and go to the temple, me and Elder Glaittli felt like we should tell her to fast, she said she couldn't fast due to her illness, and I remembered when I was in Young Mens, our leaders invited us to fast from something besides food for a week, so we suggested it, fast from something like TV for a week, then we met with her at the end of the week. We met and one of the first things she says is that she has invited her friend to come to a baptismal service and that fasting from TV was exactly what she needed, she used that time to look through her old journal, and see how the scriptures had helped her. It was an incredible thing, and it shows that even something like a teachers quorum adviser, could be receiving revelation to invite me as a teacher to fast from TV, so that this sister could benefit! members can receive inspiration!!! so cool! that lesson was one of the most spiritual lessons on my mission and everyone left uplifted! we have been working hard to find investigators, it has been hard, but we still have some potentials that have potential. it has been fun this week to just see certain things happen under the Lord's hand! super cool! love ya pops!
busy is way good! and thank you for all the pics they do bring back good memories and Elder glaittli slack lined so he was happy to see that! and yeah such a pretty temple! and yeah there are quite a few by like the rivers and stuff, but just one room in our house has them, and it happens to be our bedroom haha! it is nice that we get to stay together for a little next week is the last week of the tranfer though! and then the seventy comes on the 18th:) it will be awesome! my sisters are the bomb! and their kids will be way better than me hah! but yeah I love the district it is awesome and planning is the bomb! I agree we kinda learn who we are from the hard times, I like that! great quote! love you all keep up the good work and stay healthy!
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