On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 11:56 AM, CRAIG JENSEN <jensencraig1@msn.com> wrote:
Hi Caden
Crazy busy week catching up after being gone to AK for so long.
Monday we had Shakespeare in the park for family night with the YSA ward, our first counselors wife has been really sick and is in the hospital so the Bertelsons and we went to visit her instead of chic fila. Tuesday we had Matt come over for a home teacher forever family message. Wednesday mom had a late activities days with the little girls in our ward. Bishop moss came over for a catch up visit, I was unable to help with any of the YMYW summer actives, he gave us a bit of a run down.. Good times we surely miss :( Thursday we went up the canyon for a run/walk, ran into Gary Botcherby, he says hello Ryan is doing pretty well playing for BYU, we may try and go to their last home game July 4th
Friday was the YSA Manti pageant and sleepover night at the cabin event.. It was crazy, mom and I were the only older people in attendance, we had 40+ show up.. Didn't get to sleep until 3:30 AM :( probably won't suggest we do that again.. Too stressful.
Saturday we got home by noon, ran errands went out to eat to Milagros Mexican restaurant, good eats. Then we hung out with Karlie and the girls cuz jake was at work.. I conduct in the YSA ward and then talk in our home ward with BradBusy time of year for missionary sacrament meetings. A year ago today you talked in our home ward. Thanks for the Father's Day rant.. Made me choke up a bit.. Cool spoons analogy you provided about hanging on to things.. Heck yes, you and the bros and/or others definitely need to spend some time at the cabin etc... Miss you bro.. But it's going fast, so proud of you and your decision to serve. Let us know if you need anything. Good luck with that new mission president
Love ya
Hello bub,
Busy week and big changes for you, right. Did transfers happen and the new pres. and his wife, are they there? Hope it has been a good one. Did you get a new comp and what are you doing now? Are you still a trainer? Crazy week for us which is nice cause it is keeping us busy and when we are busy time seems to fly by. Dad updated our week, but forgot to tell you about the new reservoir they put in Springville. It's just below the old one at the bottom of the canyon and has a sandy beach and everything, seems to be a great place for families. Kind of a crazy activity at the cabin, dad said 3 but it was after 4 am before I could fall asleep. Good kids helped clean up and they were very respectful. Just a long night and a lot of peeps for the cabin. So what has your week looked like? If you have had changes are they working out well? Things are kind of getting back to normal but it is hard to catch back up on every thing. Excited for Bradley and dad talking Sunday in our home ward sacrament meeting. Like dad said, lots of farewells. I have Ridges tomorrow at 1100 then brads and dads, then we will go say hi to cole cause his is the same time as brads. Then we will go say by to Ridge since dad couldn't go cause he has to conduct. Busy time of year. Tell me about your week. Are you still walking or biking? Are you able to keep dry and keep your feet in good shape due to all the rain? We are sitting in the 100's all week this week. Love and miss you but soooo proud of you and what you are doing, what a great example you are.
Quote - "fear has two meanings-forget everything and run, or face everything and rise. the choice is yours." That is one of my favs that I have sent. Proud and thankful for your choices and your sisters. All of you are amazing kids and we are so blessed. Also with the in laws and grandkids. Take care smile big, be safe and happy and know we love you very much and we pray for you always. Love mom️
From: | Caden Jensen (cadenj@myldsmail.net) This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | Sun 6/28/15 10:36 PM |
To: | CRAIG JENSEN (jensencraig1@msn.com) |
I bet this week was nuts it was pretty nuts here and next week will be too! that stinks that she has been sick, she will be in my prayers! good old bro packard, love that guy! that is awesome that bishop is helping you out, and man I hope that I can help out with that stuff when I get home!!! that is awesome I didnt know ry was playing for the Y that is sick! That is awesome I bet that was a blast! I bet they loved that! that is fun! we need to go to these restaurants in a year you down? fun to be with kar! yeah so pumped that Brad is home! there is a kid in my district now that just got on island, he is Brad to a T it is awesome! super weird to think it was that long ago right? cool biyu (analogy) right?! fun memories right;) love you bud it is so fast miss you too and it will be over before we know it, then i need to worry about marriage haha! so sick! love you this week will be fun with President Jergensen, we hopeful get to meet him friday! we have a meeting, then again the follwing friday! love you pops!
mama! super huge changes they get here tomorrow but I have left Taibei! I am now in taoyuan (out west, a little less city but still city, and less populated, but I love it!) I have a new companion but I will explain in a sec! and I bet this week was nuts sounds fun though! and fun fact that was where mine and someones first kiss was, before it was built I better it is awesome! that is awesome that activity sounds hectic but fun! the changes are sick, I hope that elder boyce is doing good still though, he is in north taibei now! in beitou! he is such a good kid! tell everyone i love them and that they are gonna do great and tell ridge to email me! this week was so sick, we are biking out here! and it rains a little less here! so it is nice! we are in the 90s but that is so hot!!! xinku nimen! love yo momma! that is a great quote! love you much!
here is my week! I am out in Tao 3 with Elder Griffin! I just barely got out to Taoyuan and I have blessed to be out here! This past week we saw lots of miracles for sure. at the beginning of the week me and my last companion finished training and we saw miracles to close it up! Two of the coolest stories that I want to tell you this week happened in that last bit of training! we saw a girl who was strolling along and whistling, we realized that no other Taiwanese people whistle so we went to contact her, and she was mute!!! she needed the gospel so much and we ended up having a lesson with her and she accepted a Book of Mormon and hopes that she can see miracles through the power of prayer, it was really cool to see someone so humble, and you could just see her joy and we would write little notes to communicate! so cool! the other one was the desire of one of our investigators to near God and get baptized! we were in a lesson, and we felt prompted to ask why she thought it was true and why she needed baptism, she was able to share a story about her mom passing away and prayer helping through the whole process, and she said she needed to get closer to God and that baptism was the way she knew she needed to do it! such a miracle!!!!! Then I came here to Taoyuan and the miracles just kept flowing, we met two people who lived in Utah! what are the chances, and then we were able to actually set dates, on the street! I have been blessed to be with a great Elder and we are super excited to keep pumping up Taoyuan!!! so pumped for the jergensens to get in on tuesday, we get to meet them this upcoming week, me and elder griffin were in the same MTC district and have lived together for a long time then I moved out here, and we are companions, we both screamed yes so loud at the transfer meeting, he is one of those homies that I will stay close with after the mission and now i get to be his companion, we have already decided I am helping him find his wife hah! I love this! it was hard to say goodbye to the Days yesterday, but we all said love you after they came to the Tao 3 ward, and I want to stay in contact with them, I love them to death!!! such a great week! love you all! hope life is good! keep up the good work talk to you more next week! love you!
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